Ready To Fly Packages
Are you looking for a complete thermal drone? Here you will find the best sold thermal systems that have been carefully compiled by DRONExpert Nederland.
Mavic 2 Thermal Gimbal
The DRONExpert Mavic 2 Thermal Gimbal has been specially developed by DRONExpert Netherlands for the Mavic 2 with a FLIR Vue / TAU2 camera. Our knowledge, experience and innovation have resulted in a compact and multifunctional payload for the Mavic 2 with the longest flight time possible.
- Suitable for all FLIR Vue and Tau2 models
- DRONExpert (GPS) Automatic hotspot detection
- Stabilized Thermal Camera
- Digital Video Recorder
- Remote Control unit
- Adjustable Palettes
- GPS mapping
- Radiometric
- Tilting
- Digitale Zoom
- Lightweight
Fawn drone
The Fawn thermal search drone is a perfectly balanced thermal imaging drone which is extremely suitable for detecting Fawns.
- Lightweight
- Very user friendly
- Programmable flight routes
- Compact
- Ready to fly
- Dual screen (RGB/Thermal)
Weidevogel drone
De DRONExpert weidevogeldrone modeljaar 2020 is geheel vernieuwd. De nieuwe weidevogeldrone is zeer handzaam en daardoor makkelijk mee te nemen.
- Compact
- Lightweight
- Very user friendly
- Programmable flight routes
- Ready to fly
- Dual screen (RGB/Thermal)
- GPS Automatic Hotspot Detection
- Automatische Hotspot Detectie
- Nesten opslaan in online platform
Mavic 2 Boson
The Boson is small and light and therefore extends the flight time. It is ideal for daylight shooting.
- Lightweight
- Tilting
- Digital zoom
- Digitale video recorder
- Remote Control unit
- Long ranged transmitter
- Adjustable Palettes
Mavic 2 Dual
DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual is the brother of the Mavic 2 Enterprise Zoom. The devices are similar, but are equipped with a different camera setup.
Phantom 4 Vue Pro Mount 336
The Phantom 4 Pro with the VUE PRO R mount is definitely one of the most popular thermal drones of the moment. The drone is compact, lightweight, has a good price / quality ratio and this without compromising on functionality.
- FLIR Vue and Tua2 models
- Tilting
- Digital zoom
- Digital Recording
- Remote Control unit
- Long ranged transmitter
- Palettes changeable
- Automatic hotspot detection
- GPS mapping optional
- Radiometric features
Weidevogel drone
The Boson is small and light and therefore extends the flight time. It is ideal for daylight shooting.
- FLIR Vue and Tua2 models
- Lightweight
- Tilting
- Digital zoom
- Digital recording
- Remote Control unit
- Long ranged transmitter
- Palettes changeable
- GPS Automatic hotspot detection
- GPS mapping
- Radiometric features
- Bird nest counted in app
- Bird nest locations stored in database
- Stabilised
Matrice 210 RTK
3in1 gimbal 640
The Boson is small and light and therefore extends the flight time. It is ideal for daylight shooting.
- FLIR Vue and Tua2 models
- Lightweight
- Tilting
- Digital zoom
- DVR Recording
- Remote Control unit
- Long ranged transmitter
- Palettes changeable
- Automatic hotspot detection
- GPS mapping
- Radiometric features
- Stabilised